
In the following weeks I’m going to post a series of articles on my thoughts and beliefs about life here on Earth…from my observations of life during my life here. I know most people don’t believe as I do, and I don’t believe as most people do…so I’m not trying to force my beliefs on anyone…and without some very good information that I deem as very reliable and that I haven’t discovered…I’m not going to change mine. I’m not going to use a lot of references to try to back up my beliefs because I’m going to simply state what I believe to be the truth about our lives here on earth.

Beliefs are what a person gets from all the information they can gather about something…or they simply believe what someone told them that they believe about something. The latter part of that sentence…tells you what most humans today base their beliefs on. There are very few things that are facts…but many things are considered facts from all the information we humans have learned about them…but each year we find that so much information that we believed to be facts…is not. Beliefs and opinions are two different things…your opinion is a conclusion about something that seems true to you based on your feelings and the information you have about the subject at that time. You beliefs are totally different…they seem to you to be the absolute truth about a subject…so true to you that you’d bet your life on what you believe to be the truth. If you have much intelligence…these beliefs are based on every bit of information that you have gleaned over your lifetime, analyzed bit by bit, rationalized it, deemed it logical, and it passed your definition of common sense. If that belief is right or wrong is not the issue…it’s what you believe to be the truth and why you believe it’s the truth. A belief should not consist of something you read, thought you saw, or someone you trust told you…even though one or more of these things…may have set you on a quest to form that belief. To many people have let themselves be brainwashed by people who they have been led to believe, know a great deal more about a subject then they do…and instead of taking the time to research the subject and determine what they believe to be the truth about the subject, they simply take on the beliefs of the person that they trust to tell them the truth. A little research into the subject may have shown them that the person was only stating their opinion based on information which was probably propaganda. This is very common in all schools, religions, cultures, and governments…that use propaganda to form people’s beliefs to coincide with their ideology. These institutions have found that they can put false information out constantly to a person when they are very young, and continue to do so throughout the person’s life...and the person will believe what they tell the person to be the truth…and the person will accept it, form their beliefs based on it, and never question it because or the fear factor, and the reward factor, that is contained in the propaganda that the person believes is the truth. In most religions the fear factor is Hell and the reward factor is Heaven. In governments the fear factors are many things from fines and property seizure to terrorism…and the rewards range from money and power, to security. In order for these institutions to achieve this…they have to have their propaganda embedded subtly in everything the person sees, hears, and even taste, from childhood throughout their adult life. I know no one personally that hasn’t had their beliefs influenced by propaganda…some are beginning to understand this and try to get away from some of it…but that seems to be impossible…it still creeps into my sub-conscious mind sometimes and forces me to do a lot of soul searching and research to reinforce my beliefs. There’s so many things I have no knowledge of…and have no belief about…only a hastily formed opinion about, the first and in many cases the only time I heard about them…and my opinion doesn’t mean anything to anyone…but I may be able to convince someone that my opinion is the truth and if I do…their belief about the subject is nothing more than my hastily formed opinion…or simply a lie I told them. I urge you to do a little soul searching and start sifting your beliefs through a screen you place in your mind, that analyzes every bit of information that your beliefs are based on, and tells where you got the information. Did it come from a reliable source based on absolutes and not something that someone wrote in a history or science book, a professor told you, you saw a TV documentary about, you saw or read in someone’s version of news, and this list could go on forever…or did you search for every bit of information you could find on the subject, analyze it, determine it’s logical, makes common sense, and leaves no room for doubt. If you’ve done all that then you have a base for that belief and you can take that belief to the grave with you…because it’s the best you can come up with…be it right or wrong…and I believe I’m right in my beliefs…

Monday, April 15, 2013

These god-damned idiots on Fox will tell you what a nutcase you are if you know about chemtrails...a good reason not to watch Fox or buy any products from their sponsors.

and here is kids that have so much more sense then the idots...telling about chemtrails.

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